Directive on Work Environment (and Sustainable Employees)
Swedbank’s employees are the foundation for our success and our culture, based on our core values: Open, Simple, Caring. We want to offer a work environment where our employees feel good about their work, have the prerequisites to perform at their best and where inclusion, development and team spirit are natural parts of our business.
From a work environment perspective, sustainable employees to us means that our employees feel that they can handle their work situation, have a work-life balance that suits them, and that the working climate is supportive, respectful and inclusive, every day at work. We believe that sustainable employees are essential both for employee health, engagement and for a better customer experience.
Directive in brief
The purpose of the Directive is to provide a platform for Swedbank Group’s work for sustainable employees and a sustainable work life. It describes Swedbank’s overall objectives, focus and approach to promote and encourage sustainable employees. It describes how the working conditions should be in our business to prevent poor health and accidents and to create a healthy and sustainable working environment. It also describes how we work in practice to achieve this, as well as the managers’ and employees’ respective responsibilities in efforts relating to a sustainable work environment.
Swedbank’s Directive on Work Environment applies for Swedbank AB and all subsidiaries.