
We believe that our success as a bank is inextricably linked to helping meet the social and environmental challenges of our times. We act on this in our customer service, our asset management, our credits and our product development, as well as in our own operations.

Adult and children walking outdoors in the grass, wearing raincoats


One of the most serious challenges facing society, our customers and our business is the ongoing process of climate change. We want to take an active role, within our sphere of influence, to maintain a stable climate.

Environmental targets

Swedbank has set Group-wide targets for the environment and specifically for climate protection, which we have identified as one of the most critical and material environmental issues facing our business.

Internal sustainability work

Our largest environmental impact is generated indirectly through our activities in financing and investments. Although direct impacts are fairly limited, it is our responsibility to do all we can to minimise and report our carbon footprint.

Two kids driving a man in a cart, all laughing
Confident - woman leading bicycle with child in bicycle seat
Confident - woman leading bicycle with child in bicycle seat

Sustainable products and services

We analyse risks and opportunities in investment decisions and credit approvals. We also assist our customers to achieve their individual financial objectives and help them understand how to take environmental issues into consideration.