About us

Swedbank offers loans, payments and savings to simplify everyday life for individuals and companies. Swedbank has its roots in the Swedish savings bank movement, which dates back to 1820.

Swedbank in society

  • We are the main sponsor of the Friends Foundation and a part of their efforts to counteract bullying.
  • Young Economy - we educate young people about how they can influence their personal finances.
Youths waiting at bus stop in wintertime, smiling while looking at a phone

Work or partner with us

Would you like to work with us?

We have a variety of career paths available in our home markets of Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and in other international markets.

Open Banking and API

Are you a programmer with big ideas for the future? Do you want to build innovative services and create new opportunities? Contact us to get hold of our APIs.

Sustainability in business decisions

As a major player in the financial market, we can play a part in financing future sustainable innovations. We take economic, social and environmental aspects into account in all our work and business decisions.

Swedbank 200 years!

Today Swedbank is an international group offering a full range of services for private and corporate customers. But our history dates back to 1820 when Sweden’s first savings bank was founded.

Swedbank is investing in availability

Swedbank has 7.4 million private customers and 553 000 corporate customers.

To simplify everyday life for our private and corporate customers, Swedbank is investing in availability. In all our home markets, we're available 24 hours a day through our digital channels, and our customers can also meet us in our branch offices and the customer centres.

Digital channels and meetings

  • Everyday banking services, advice and service

    Internet bank
    Customer centres (phone, email, chat)
    Social media

  • Branches

    142 in Sweden
    72 in Baltic countries
    Customer centres (phone, email, chat)

  • Flexible meeting places

    Pop-up branches

  • Competence hubs

    For complex questions

Key figures Q4 2024

  • Stable earnings

    (return on equity)

  • Cost efficiency

    (C/I ratio, costs in relation to total income)

  • Strong capitalisation

    (Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio)

  • Low risk

    (credit impairment ratio)


Branch offices

Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are Swedbank's home markets. We have international branch offices in China, Finland, Norway and the USA.

Map of all home markets of Swedbank - Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Preventing money-laundering

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) are prioritised focus areas.

Frequently visited pages