Debt investors

Group Treasury has overall responsibility for managing liquidity within the mandate given by the Board and CEO.


Group Treasury is responsible for managing all funding and liquidity activities for the Swedbank Group. The main funding sources of the Group are customer deposits and covered bonds. Capital market-related funding activities are conducted through different types of funding programmes, both short-term and long-term, thus providing access to different markets, products and currencies. The core parts of the balance sheet are funded through the long-term programmes whereas the short-term programmes are mainly used as a cash management tool.


Swedbank manages its liquidity so that it can handle periods of stress in the capital markets, when access to new financing would be limited. The metric used to measure this period is internally referred to as the survival horizon. The bank has built up liquidity reserves and actively prolonged the average maturity profile of all its capital market funding during the last couple of years to extend its survival horizon.


To provide debt investors with an external assessment of the bank’s financial and credit position, Swedbank AB has obtained credit ratings from three rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch. The Group’s covered bond programme enjoys ratings from Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s.


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