
We are integrating environmental considerations into our business in two ways. First, in our investment- and credit decisions, we are taking into account the environmental risks and opportunities relating to our customers and our holdings. Second, we are taking responsibility for the environmental impact of our own operations.

The process of minimising resource consumption and waste is a never-ending story. All processes need specific adjustments and targeted actions in order to be more efficient.

Developments related to reducing the purchase of non-renewable energy are central for Swedbank Group, as this has a significant impact on total emissions volume. More work needs to be done in the area, and the incentives for our tenants to choose more carbon-efficient energy solutions are increasing consistently in line with improved and more cost-efficient alternatives, such as solar panels.

Important actions to reduce emissions from energy use in Swedbank Group are to:

  • Continue to increase the share of renewable electricity in Baltic Banking, steering the focus to Latvia and Lithuania.
  • Switch to and/or choose biogas over natural gas as an energy source for heating in Baltic Banking.
  • Improve the energy efficiency in our Swedish premises, to incorporate more energy-efficient and space-saving properties, and continuously encourage property owners to adopt energy conservation measures in the buildings we rent.

Pollution, as well as climate impact from business travel and transports, is a focus area for environmental impact reduction. Swedbank's policy for business travel urges employees to always consider environmental impact when choosing a means of travelling. Everyone is encouraged to travel by train, rather than by airplane. Swedbank uses alternative meeting solutions such as digital conference meetings. These activities continue.

Learn more about the details of our environmental impact in our Annual and Sustainability Report.