Social targets

Our Sustainability Strategy stresses the importance of monitoring and reporting sustainability work clearly and transparently. We are strongly committed to social issues and want to contribute to a society where everyone has equal access to financial services.

Sustainable employees targets, 2023:

  • Sustainable Employee Index >=80
  • Zero tolerance towards harassment, victimisation and discrimination
  • Total sickness ratios (rolling 12 months) <2.8%

Employee engagement targets, 2023:

  • Engagement Index >=80
  • Recommendation Index >= 43

Diversity and gender targets, 2023:

  • Increase overall diversity within Swedbank Group
  • Achieve a 40/60 gender balance at the highest management levels
  • Achieve a 40/60 gender balance in higher job grades, as a succession pool for top management
  • Maintain gender equal salaries on equal jobs, striving to close the gender pay gap

Target achievement

For target achievement, please see Social data.