Green Equity

The Green Equity Designation is based on a concept developed by Swedbank in collaboration with Shades of Green, formerly part of CICERO, now a part of S&P Global, a leader in second opinions on frameworks for sustainable debt instruments.

Two men at a business conference, smiling and hugging each other

The concept is based on two parts. A qualitative assessment of a company’s entire profile carried out by an external party covering e.g. to what extent a company’s revenues and investments are derived from green business activities.

The main criteria for a company to qualify for the Green Equity Designation is that over 50% of its revenue and investments must derive from activities considered green. As an alternative, a Green Equity Transition Designation is attainable for companies with the ambition to transition to become green and that has a significant share of investments allocated to green activities.

Swedbank has offered our customers Sustainable Bonds for more than a decade. To support advisory for companies' entire capital markets financing, Swedbank broadened its range of sustainable products in 2020 with Green Equity as a complement to the debt instruments.

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If you would like more information about Green Equity, please contact us.