Corporate Finance

Equity Capital Market (ECM) transactions and Merger & Acquisition (M&A) processes are complex, involving many steps which can take unexpected turns. As an experienced advisor, Swedbank Corporate Finance guides your company through the full process.

A man talking on the phone is standing behind a table in a warehouse.

Swedbank Corporate Finance has broad, in-depth experience as a financial advisor and project leader in both ECM and M&A. In M&A, we add value through advisory, sector knowledge and efficient management and execution of transactions as well as the preparatory work that precedes them – across acquisitions, mergers, divestments and reconstructions.

In ECM transactions, we have extensive knowledge and experience of driving the process execution and structuring the offerings. With our strategic partner, international financial services provider Kepler Cheuvreux, we provide our customers with top-ranked analytics and a well-proven sales & distribution platform – giving superior access to institutional investors. This, in combination with Swedbank’s unique distribution capacity domestically, gives your company a best-in-class distribution network within and beyond the Nordics.

We offer advice to owners, boards and management

  • Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)

    Advisory and solutions for Owners, Boards and Executive Management where we manage and drive the transaction process.

  • Capital-raising and IPOs

    We help our clients raise new capital.

  • Equity Capital Markets Transactions

    We support our customers in raising new capital.

  • Other ownership issues

    We act as advisors to our clients in all types of ownership issues and have ongoing assignments where we compile decision documentation prior to AGMs, evaluate bid situations, perform independent assessments, evaluate shareholder agreements, etc.

Corporate Finance in other languages

Green Equity

Green Equity can be used by companies to increase the transparency of their sustainability work, and is possible if the majority of the company's revenues and investments can be classified as green.

Contact us

Jan Bergman
Head of Corporate Finance Sweden
Christine Wahlsten
Head of Corporate Finance Finland
Linda Johannessen
Head of ECM