Swedbank Försäkring

We promote health and financial security for our customers by helping them save for their pension or other savings goals, protect themselves against illness and protect their survivors in the event of death. Swedbank Insurance offers insured security for the many – throughout life.

A group of people having a business meeting, all laughing
  • Trygga Insurance

    With our Trygga insurance, we give people the opportunity to make long-term plans for their lives and get a safe platform for life's various events.

  • Occupational Pension

    With our occupational pension, including health insurance, health counselling by phone and rehabilitation, we help our corporate customers to become attractive employers and provide the conditions for long-term growth.

  • Pension and Endowment Insurance

    With our pension and endowment insurance, we provide long-term financial security with the opportunity for returns through sustainable investment alternatives.

Our insurance – promoting health and financial security

About us

Contact details and information about our Board of Directors and management.

Swedbank Försäkring and sustainability

Sustainability is important to us. We have the opportunity to make a difference through our investments. We are convinced that what is sustainable in the long term is also profitable in the long term. Through our products, we give our customers access to one of the market's largest and most sustainable investment offerings.