The responsibility for sustainable development is linked to investment opportunities in traditional pension, fund investments and direct investments.
Policy for responsible investment
As an institutional owner, we believe that sustainability factors contribute to long-term investment returns, and therefore we have a responsibility to act on these issues in the best interests of policyholders. With regards to traditional pensions, we direct the asset managers to act on and consider sustainability. For investment opportunities in unit-linked and insurance accounts, we engage in and transparently report on these sustainability issues -- for Swedbank Robur funds, for the funds in our guided fund range, Fondguiden, and for some of our direct investments. When you invest in a Swedbank Robur fund, you can be certain that we are an active owner, engaging with the companies to consider strong social and corporate governance as well as taking responsibility on environmental issues. To support this work, Swedbank Robur has signed the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
Read more about Swedbank Försäkring's work for responsible investment in our environmental policy.
Swedbank Försäkrings hållbarhetspolicy (in Swedish) (pdf)
Sustainability information
Increased awareness
The fund list includes a filter for "funds with sustainability criteria", which includes the funds that meet our sustainability requirements. These funds must, among other things, have an integrated sustainability process where they opt out from but also actively select companies from a sustainability perspective.
Hållbara fonder (Our work with sustainability and external funds, in Swedish)
We strive to provide sustainability information about the funds' investments so that customers can make informed fund choices. To be transparent regarding our guided fund range, Fondguiden, we offer our clients information about the funds’ return and sustainability. For customers interested in knowing how a fund takes into account sustainability issues in their investment, we provide Swesif’s sustainability profile, Hållbarhetsprofilen.
Fondguiden (in Swedish)
For Swedbank’s sustainability funds, ESG issues are crucial in the selection of companies in which the fund invests. For example, issues such as emissions from manufacturing, chemicals, health, safety and working conditions are considered.
How Swedbank Robur works with sustainability funds: Sustainable savings and sustainable investments (in Swedish)
Climate impact
Climate change is today’s most important environmental issue. Therefore, we calculate the carbon footprint for our equity investments in traditional pensions, fund investments, direct investments and for company level in total.