Sustainable Funding Framework
By issuing green, social and sustainability bonds, Swedbank has the opportunity to promote and support the long-term development of sustainable solutions through financing sustainable innovations and services.
As a financial institution, Swedbank is an integral part of society and therefore has a responsibility and key role to play in accelerating the fulfilment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our operations, investments, financing and services to our customers.
Swedbank believes that sustainability needs to be incorporated in everything we do to create economic growth, while avoiding negative impact in other areas, environmentally or socially – that is why Swedbank Sustainable Funding Framework works as a strategic driver.
Green, social and sustainability bonds
The Swedbank Sustainable Funding Framework, launched in September 2022, will allow Swedbank to issue green, social and sustainability bonds to finance and re-finance, in whole or in part, loans and investments with environmental and/or social benefits.
The framework was developed according to market standards and regulatory requirements and is also aligned with the ICMA Green Bond Principles (GBP) 2021, Social Bond Principles (SBP) 2021 and Sustainability Bond Guidelines (SBG) 2021.
Strong connection to Swedbank’s strategic direction
Swedbank's business strategy is to be net-zero by 2050 at the latest. Our strategy comprises commitments signed with the Net-Zero Banking Alliance and goal-setting in line with a 1.5ºC future.
Within the Swedbank Sustainable Funding Framework, eligible green projects contribute to the EU environmental objectives (Climate Change Adaptation/Mitigation). The eligibility criteria align, on a best-effort basis, with the Technical Screening Criteria of the EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act, e.g. by promoting investments in sustainable energy and infrastructure improvement solutions.
With our 200-year heritage, we have continuously contributed to the growth and development of the communities in which we operate, and we are committed to continuing to do so in the future.
The bank’s ability to contribute positively to the areas of housing and employment can increase access to housing opportunities in the form of financing for individuals and real estate companies, as well as higher employment rates.
Swedbank also engages in social efforts to promote education, youth employment and entrepreneurship, which are categories included in the Swedbank Sustainable Funding Framework. We believe that positive development in these areas is important for a good society, but also for a successful banking business.
Eligible green assets
- Renewable energy
- Energy efficiency
- Green buildings
- Sustainable management of living natural resources
- Pollution prevention and control
- Sustainable water and wastewater management
- Clean transportation
- Climate change adaptation
Eligible social assets
- Employment generation and SME financing
- Affordable housing
- Socioeconomic advancement and empowerment
- Access to essential services – education and healthcare