Sustainability Policy
Swedbank’s vision is a financially sound and sustainable society where Swedbank empowers the many people and businesses to create a better future. With a large customer base in all its home markets the bank can drive change together with its customers and have large positive impact on society.
Swedbank's Sustainability Policy applies for Swedbank AB and all subsidiaries. The Sustainability Policy is the proactive partner of the Code of Conduct.
Policy in brief
The purpose of the Policy is to provide a governing platform for Swedbank Group to deliver towards its vision. This means to define what sustainability is for Swedbank and to formulate Swedbank’s role in driving sustainability integration in everything the bank does.
This Policy provides the basis of the Group’s sustainability policy framework. It is supplemented by thematic-specific policies and instructions on e.g. human rights, environment, tax, anti-corruption, and diversity, equity and inclusion, and domain-specific policies and guidelines that integrate sustainability aspects, e.g. the Enterprise Risk Management Policy.