Respect for human rights
Our sustainability work is based on the conviction that respect for human rights, the environment, climate, labour law and anti-corruption is important for our stakeholders and for our business. Swedbank is committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights and international humanitarian law throughout our business operations.
Human rights are defined as universal rights that allow individuals the freedom to lead a dignified life, free from fear or want, and free to express independent beliefs. These rights shall be applied equally and universally in all countries for all individuals, regardless of nationality, place of residence, gender, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status.
Policy on Human Rights
To guide our work on human rights, Swedbank follows our Group Policy on Human Rights. The Policy is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and on the UN Global Compact, which stipulates that Swedbank must act with due diligence — to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for potential and existing harm to human rights. The Policy is updated annually and has been adopted by the Board of Directors.
Sustainability policy framework
The policy is one element of the bank's overall sustainability policy framework. Other associated supporting policies are the Policy on Diversity and Inclusion and the Sustainability Policy.
Business integration
Swedbank operates on the premise that the bank, its suppliers, the customers it finances and the companies in which it invests shall respect internationally recognised human rights and take precautions to prevent human rights violations. The Policy on Human Rights states that vulnerable groups such as children, seniors, the disabled and minorities must be given special consideration.
Code of Conduct
Swedbank’s Code of Conduct clarifies the responsibilities of employees and managers. It clarifies the bank’s values and describes how Swedbank’s employees should act with a focus on respecting everyone’s equal value.
Within the core processes of investing, financing and procurement, sustainability analyses are conducted where human rights are a key aspect. These core processes are defined as material and, as a result, are central to the assessment of human rights risks.
Swedbank’s Sustainability Committee
Swedbank’s Sustainability Committee manages sustainability-related matters such as human rights, tax issues, environmental challenges and sustainability governance at the Group level. The Sustainability Committee is led by the Head of Group Brand, Communication and Sustainability with a mandate from the CEO.
Swedbank's commitment to human rights
Swedbank recognises the possible risk of an adverse impact on human rights through our activities or as a result of our business relations. If the Group’s activities entail a direct violation of the human rights of others, we shall take action to rectify the situation. Swedbank is committed to always operating in accordance with internationally recognised universal human rights. This approach applies to all markets where we operate and to all our business relations, including suppliers and the companies that Swedbank finances or invests in and their impact on people.
Related links
- Universal Declaration on Human Rights (
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (
- International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (
- Convention on the Rights of the Chiild (
- ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (
Thoughts, suggestions or complaints on human rights?
Contact us about sustainability
Comments or suggestions with regard to Swedbank’s sustainability work and ambitions (including human rights): send an email to Group Sustainability.
Report on irregularities or failures by Swedbank to comply with laws, external and internal rules or regulations connected to the bank’s operations (including suppliers and companies that Swedbank finances or in which it invests): use the internal alert (whistleblowing) process.