Get started with our RestFX IndicativeRates API
RestFX Indicative Rates is a free API, with more than 100 continuously updated exchange rates, open for all registered developers of Swedbank Open Banking. This means that you don't need to be a Swedbank customer to access our API.
For any questions, please contact us at
Step 1 - Subscribe
Register in the Swedbank Developer portal if you have not done so already.
Step 2 - Get access
Create an application for the Indicative Rates service and assign the Indicative Rates API to this Application.
You can start with the Sandbox version of the API to get warmed up or go straight to the production version! Documentation and API specifications are available online. Please see Developer Documentation for PDF version and Swedbank developer portal for a Swagger version. -
Step 3 - Ready for production?
Please email with the following information:
Production client ID obtained in step 2 for the RestFX Indicative Rates service and public key for your certificate (CA-issued TLS/SSL certificate) to achieve mTLS.You will have access to all our continuously updated exchange rates once your request is processed!