API availability and performance statistics for Sweden

Here you can find quarterly updates on the availability of Swedbank's API and performance statistics for Open Banking. 

Statistics for Norway

API and performance statistics for Norway

Terms used in supporting documents

Availability: For the purpose of calculating the availability indicators (uptime and downtime), we have calculated the percentage uptime as 100% minus the percentage downtime.

AIS performance: The daily average time (in milliseconds) taken, per request, for us to provide the AISP with all the relevant information requested. To make a AISP request in the API comparable, we compare a AISP request with a relevant scenario in our own channels.

PIS performance: The daily average time (in milliseconds) taken, per request, for us to provide the PISP with all the relevant information requested. To make a PISP request in the API comparable, we compare a PISP request with a relevant scenario in our own channels.

CoF performance: The daily average time (in milliseconds) taken, per request, for us to provide the CBPII with all the relevant information requested. To make a CBPII request in the API comparable, we compare a CBPII request with a relevant scenario in our own channels.

Daily error rate: the daily error response rate – calculated as the number of error messages concerning errors attributable to the ASPSP sent by the ASPSP to the PISPs, AISPs and CBPIIs in accordance with Article 36(2) of the RTS per day, divided by the number of requests received by the ASPSP from AISPs, PISPs and CBPIIs in the same day.