Swedbank PSD2 API news (October 2024)
Please find below the upcoming changes and improvements in Swedbank PSD2 API.
Sweden & Baltics
- Account statement pagination
Paginated account statement is planned from November 2024. In addition to existing solution, customer’s account’s transactions will be provided in pages if such option is requested by TPP. Please check our swagger documentation for more details.
- Information regarding service instability
Due to network level interruptions part of Swedbank PSD2 API's as well as some other channels have had service instability lately. We are working to reduce such cases.
- Technical merge of Savings banks in Sweden planned for November
Information about the merge of two savings banks Bergslagen Sparbank and Södra Dalarnas Sparbank was already announced in several last newsletters. This is to inform about changed date of the technical merge which is now planned for November 16th-17th. The technical merge might affect some services in PSD2 API related to tokens, consents and future dated payments.
8114 SPARBANKEN BERGSLAGEN AB (Södra Dalarnas Sparbank AB)
8191 SPARBANKEN BERGSLAGEN AB (Bergslagens Sparbank AB)
Will be after the merge:
This will affect following services in PSD2 API:
- Active tokens in the bank 8114 will be invalidated so that new token can get new bankid;
- If TPP has stored account list – then it has to be updated;
- Bankid list will be updated accordingly to remove bankid 8114 (endpoint /psd2/available-bankids);
- Account number for dated payments will be migrated and this will not affect paymentid;
- Payment initiation service may have limitation during migration day.
Please prepare to adapt your services accordingly based on information provided above.