Swedbank PSD2 API changes in Sweden

Published 17 januari 2024

Please find below some news from Swedbank PSD2 API.

Secure start with Bank ID from the 1st of May.

The bank follows Bank ID required changes in authorization flows to improve security and minimize fraud. For TPP it means the mandatory usage of autostarttoken or QR code to invoke Mobile BankID application. Autostarttoken will be returned if TPP sets header “Qr-code-required=false” meaning that PSU is starting Mobile BankID on the same device as TPP application. Autostarttoken is required and will be used by TPP to start Mobile BankID application. More information can be found on Bank ID page: https://www.bankid.com/en/foretag/secure-start

Savings banks merge in Sweden

Per the 2nd of January 2024 the two savings banks Bergslagen Sparbank and Södra Dalarnas Sparbank merged and became Sparbanken Bergslagen (new org.nr. 516406-1185). Technical implementation of the merge is divided into two phases. The name change will be implemented on the 2nd of February. The change of bank id/clearing numbers is planned for October 2024. The new bank id/clearing number for both banks will be 8191. Customer accounts’ numbers will be updated accordingly.

During the change period February – October the endpoint /psd2/available-bankids will return old names of those banks in the brackets:

8114 SPARBANKEN BERGSLAGEN AB (Södra Dalarnas Sparbank AB)
8191 SPARBANKEN BERGSLAGEN AB (Bergslagens Sparbank AB)

More information can be found here: https://www.bergslagenssparbank.se/share/news/om-oss/bergslagens-sparbank-och-sodra-dalarnas-sparbank-fusioneras.html

Fallback channel is being closed

18th January fallback channel will be closed. This will be done after Swedbank and Savings banks were granted fallback exemption by Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.