Reminder – Savings banks merger 15-16th November
We would like to remind about the technical merger of Bergslagen Sparbank and Södra Dalarnas Sparbank during the upcoming weekend.
8114 SPARBANKEN BERGSLAGEN AB (Södra Dalarnas Sparbank AB)
8191 SPARBANKEN BERGSLAGEN AB (Bergslagens Sparbank AB)
After the merger:
Merger – Customer impact
The merger will limit accessibility of those 2 savings banks in maintenance period.
Impact on PSD2 API services:
- The maintenance window is planned for the following period:
- "StartDateTime" : "2024-11-15 T20:00:00.CET"
- "EndDateTime" : "2024-11-16 T13:00:00.CET"
During maintenance window error 503 MAINTENANCE_WINDOW is expected
- Active tokens in the bank 8114 will be invalidated so that new token can get new bankid;
- If TPP has stored account list – then it has to be updated;
- Bankid list will be updated accordingly to remove bankid 8114 (endpoint /psd2/available-bankids);
- Account number for dated payments will be migrated and this will not affect paymentid;
- Payment initiation service may have limitation during migration day.
We hope you are prepared to adapt your services accordingly.