Repurchases of own shares

Swedbank holds own shares to secure the commitments in its performance and share-based remuneration programmes. Remuneration is paid in the form of deferred shares with the purpose of building long-term commitment among employees through share ownership. 

The first transfer of deferred shares related to Swedbank’s remuneration programmes began in February 2014.

Development holding of repurchased shares
 No of shares
Dilution effect
Original amount of own shares to secure the commitment of the remuneration programmes
33 000 000 
Transfer to employees 2014
3 249 4230.3%
Transfer to employees 2015
3 148 6050.3%
Transfer to employees 2016
5 328 0700.5%
Transfer to employees 2017
2 897 8010.3%
Transfer to employees 20183 044 7400.3%
Transfer to employees 20191 630 0280.1%
Transfer to employees 20201 687 3860.15%
Transfer to employees 20211 443 0180.13%
Transfer to employees 20221 636 0110.15%
Transfer to employees 20231 725 5960.15%
Transfer to employees 2024522 5430.05%
Holding of own shares Dec 2024
6 686 779 

To continuously adapt the bank’s capital structure to prevailing capital requirements and in order to secure its commitments under the general and individual share and performance-based remuneration programs adopted by a general meeting, the Board was authorised by the 2024 annual general meeting to decide on acquisition of own shares. The authorisation is valid until the 2025 annual general meeting.

Swedbank’s total holding of own shares, including the shares traded on its own account within the securities operations, shall not exceed 10 per cent of the total number of shares in the bank.

No. of outstanding shares

Number of outstanding shares SWED A
 31 Dec 202431 Dec 202331 Dec 202231 Dec 202131 Dec 202031 Dec 2019
Issued shares1 132 005 7221 132 005 7221 132 005 7221 132 005 7221 132 005 7221 132 005 722
Repurchased shares-6 686 779 -7 209 322-8 934 918-10 570 929-12 013 947-13 701 333
Number of outstanding shares on the closing day
1 125 318 9431 124 796 4001 123 070 8041 121 434 7931 119 991 7751 118 304 389

Repurchase of shares

Repurchase of shares (ISIN: SE0000242455) (LEI-code  M312WZV08Y7LYUC1685)
DateAggregated daily volume (number of shares)Weighted average repurchase price per day (SEK)Total daily transaction value (SEK) 
6 February 202594 363 245.2423 141 780
7 February 2025308 489247.0576 210 727
10 February 2025377 035248.3393 627 707
11 February 2025393 241247.7997 442 328
12 February 2025399 764250.1199 983 815
13 February 2025439 895252.26110 966 417
14 February 2025287 213253.2872 744 792
Total: 2 300 000249.62574 117 565

Further information regarding Swedbank's equity, equity-settled share-based programmes and securities operations is available here: