Changes in share capital

Swedbank's share capital has changed as follows since 1990.

Change in share capital (Review date: 2024-05-20)


TransactionPar value/
Added/repurchased sharesTotalt No. of issued shares 
2013Conversion of pref. shares to A shares (Mar)226 944 758-6 944 758 958 094 574173 911 148 24 904
Mandatory conversion of preference shares into A-shares22173 911 148-173 911 148 1 132 005 722  24 904
2012Conversion of pref. shares to A shares (Mar)211 595 660-1 595 660 966 785 777192 804 4001 500 00023 772
Reduction/ cancellation of repurchased shares21-24 168 814-3 415 641-1 500 000942 616 963189 388 759 23 772
Bonus issue22   942 616 963189 388 759 24 904
Conversion of pref. shares to A shares (Sep)228 532 853-8 532 853 951 149 816180 855 906 24 904
2011Conversion of pref. shares to A shares (Mar)212 553-2 553 952 325 992207 264 185 24 351
New issue21  1 500 000952 325 992207 264 1851 500 00024 383
Conversion of pref. shares to A shares (Sep)2112 864 125-12 864 125 965 190 117194 400 0601 500 00024 383
2010Conversion of pref. shares to A shares (Mar)2112 362 751-12 362 751 952 316 334207 273 843 24 351
Conversion of pref. shares to A shares (Sep)217 105-7 105 952 323 439207 266 738 24 351
2009Conversion of pref. shares to A shares2138 050 112-38 050 112 553 423 524219 636 594 16 234
New issue21386 530 059  939 953 583219 636 594 24 351
2008New issue21 257 686 706 515 373 412257 686 706 16 234
2006Reduction/ cancellation of repurchased shares20   515 373 412  10 307
Bonus issue21   515 373 412  10 823
2005New issue202 502 100  515 373 412  10 606
2004Share repurchase20-14 937 531  512 871 312  10 556
1999Bonus issue 1:220175 936 281  527 808 843  10 556
1997New issue2072 717 269  350 897 971  7 018
New issue20974 591  351 872 562  7 038
1995New issue/reduction10-261 819 298  278 180 702  2 782
Bonus issue200  278 180 702  5 564
1994New issue1038 000 000  540 000 000  5 400
1993Split 10:110451 800 000  502 000 000  5 020
1992Split 5:110032 160 000  40 200 000  4 020
New issue10010 000 000  50 200 000  5 020
1991New issue500960 000  6 840 000  3 420
New issue5001 200 000  8 040 000  4 020
1990New issue
5001 000 000  5 880 000  2 940
     4 880 000  2 440