Greater protection for those who have savings in financial instruments

Two women and a man at a desk with a laptop.

The EU regulation MiFID2 introduces changes to legislation and regulations that will enhance the protection for both private individuals and companies who invest their savings on the financial markets.

MiFID2 will mean changes to the Swedish investment legislation and new regulations from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority which will further enhance client protection. Among other things, this means that the bank’s advisers will be particularly careful to ensure that you understand the level of risk of the investments you are interested in making. MiFID2 also means that companies that trade in securities or other financial instruments will need an LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) in order to continue this kind of trading.

The new directive came into force on 3 January 2018.

Costs and Charges Report

If you had savings in one or more savings/insurance products and/or if you have traded in Fixed Income or FX derivatives in the previous year, you will receive a report that summarises your costs and charges associated with these activities during the reporting period. The report also provides an overview of your total savings and the change in value during the reporting period if you had such holdings.

Examples of how MiFID II may affect you

Appropriateness assessment

Banks and other financial institutions have an obligation to assess whether the transactions in financial instruments are appropriate for you – in other words, to perform a so-called appropriateness assessment.


Companies that trade in securities or other financial instruments need a so-called LEI. This is a 20-character code that is used internationally.

Best execution

You can be sure that we will always handle your order in a proper manner. Here you can read in detail how we execute your order and which marketplaces we use.

Agreements and general terms

Here you will find various agreements and general terms and conditions that apply to trading in financial instruments, as well as other information about investment services.

MiFID2 – learn more about the directive

Glossary for MiFID2.

Do you have questions?

If you need any further information, please contact your Client Executive.