Onboarding Process for OTC Derivatives Clearing

Two women and a man at a desk with a laptop.


Step 1 Kickoff

  • Introduction to the services
  • Initial meeting with responsible departments and teams
  • Analysis to determine whether client needs are aligned with offering

Clarification of client demand

Step 2: Risk Analysis

  • Risk and limit assessment by Swedbank's credit and risk departments
  • Client submits current trading budget and positions

Risk evaluation/ approval

Step 3: Workshops

  • Workshops, discussions and planning with involved parties of the client
  • Detailed analysis of operational and technical requirements
  • Investigation of workflows and processes

Requirement assessment

Step 4: Onboarding

  • Offer/pricing agreement
  • Legal documentation
  • Technical and operational implementation and testing
  • Account openings at Swedbank and Clearing House
  • Staff training

Account, legal & technical set-up

Step 5: Go-Live Preparation

  • Pilot deal
  • Exchange of collaterals
  • Migration/ backloading of existing trades
  • Resolution of go-live issues

First cleared trade

The implementation of all steps normally takes from one to six months depending on discussions between the parties.

If you are interested in clearing OTC derivatives with us, please download: Request for Proposal regarding clearing of OTC derivatives (PDF)

Legal agreements and documentation
Clearing agreement/ISDA FOA & CSASwedbank, client
Collateral agreement, cleared derivativesSwedbank, client
Agreement for account segregation level for cleared derivativesSwedbank, client
Execution agreement(s)Client, counterparties (incl. Swedbank)