Swedbank Robur

Swedbank Robur’s vision is to be a world leader in sustainable value creation. Our ambition is to create sustainable, long-term return for our investors, while also contributing to the development of society and the environment. 

  • Wholly owned subsidiary of Swedbank AB
  • Assets under management totalled SEK 2,017bn in mutual funds and discretionary mandates
  • More than 90 mutual funds covering multiple asset classes and risks
  • More than 4 million customers in Sweden and the Baltic region
  • Approximately 280 employees, of whom 80 are portfolio managers and analysts
  • Large owner in several companies
  • All capital is invested according to leading sustainability criteria

More about Swedbank Robur

Swedbank Robur offers products for individuals, companies and institutions. Read more on Swedbank Robur's website.

Risk information: Historical growth is no guarantee of future yields. The value of your fund savings can both rise and fall, which is why there can be no guarantee that you will get back your original investment. Please read prospectuses available on the website swedbankrobur.se or visit a retailer.