Helena Liljedahl
In Swedbank as
Board of Directors, Member
Remuneration- and Sustainability Committee, MemberEducation
M.Sc, Business Administration, University of Örebro
Current position and other assignments
- KF Fastigheter AB, CEO
- Folksam ömsesidig sakförsäkring, Board member
Previous experience
- 2020–2022 Medmera Bank, Board member
- 2019-2022 Coeli Fastighet II, Chair
- 2017–2018 Technopolis Oiy, Board member
- 2009-2011 Ingka Centres Russia, Head of Commercial Development
- 2008–2009 Centrumutveckling, Deputy CEO
- 2006–2008 Alecta, Asset Manager
Own and closely related parties’ shareholding in Swedbank
7 000
Board member’s independence
Independent in relation to the bank and the management of the bank and independent in relation to the bank’s major shareholders.