Annika Creutzer
Board member since 2021.
Born 1957.In Swedbank as
- Board of Directors, member
- Audit Committee, member
Economics degree, Stockholm University
Current position and other assignments
Own business, Creutzer & Co AB, focusing on financial journalism and public education.
Previous experience
- 2016–2021 Pensionsmyndigheten (Swedish Pensions Agency), Board member
- 2017–2019 startup company Påmind, Board member
- 2009–2011 Pengar24, Editor-in-Chief
- 2007–2009 Privata Affärer, Editor-in-Chief
- 2005–2009 Konsumentföreningen Stockholm (Stockholm Consumer Cooperative Society), Board member
- 2006–2008 Poppius journalism school, Board member
- 2003–2007 Skandiabanken, Private Economist
Own and closely related parties’ shareholding in Swedbank
Board member’s independence
Independent in relation to the bank and the management of the bank and independent in relation to the bank’s major shareholders.