CVs and photos - the CEO and the Group Executive Committee

CVs and photos of Swedbank's CEO and of the Group Executive Committee. Photos for download.

Jens Henriksson
President and CEO. M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, B.A. Economics. Employed since 1 October 2019. Born 1967.
Tomas Hedberg

Deputy President and Deputy CEO. Studies in economics. Employed since 2000. Born 1963.

Bo Bengtsson

Head of Corporates and Institutions. Studies in economics. Employed since 2023. Born 1966.

Anna-Karin Laurell

Head of Swedish Banking. Studies in the humanities, Lund University. Employed since 2024. Born 1963.

Malin Lilliecrona

Head of Premium and Private Banking. M.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration. Employed since 2022. Born 1975.

Britta Hjorth-Larsen

Chief Compliance Officer. M.Sc. Business Law and Economics. Employed since 2022. Born 1965.

Jon Lidefelt

CFO. M.Sc. in Engineering Physics. Employed since 2013. Born 1973.

Erik Ljungberg

Head of Group Brand, Communication and Sustainability. M.Sc. in Business Administration. Employed since July 2020. Born 1971.

Lotta Lovén

CIO and Head of Group Channels and Technologies. Market economist. Employed 1986–1999 and 2004– present. Born 1967.

Rolf Marquardt

Chief Risk Officer. PhD in Business Administration. Employed since 2020. Born 1964.

Charlotte Rydin

Chief Legal Officer and Head of Group Legal. Master of Laws, LL.M. Employed since 2021. Born 1968.

Carina Strand

Head of Group HR and Facility Management. Economist. Employed since 2017. Born 1964.

Olof Sundblad

Acting Head of Baltic Banking. M.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration. Employed between 2012-2018 and since 2021. Born 1980. 

Kerstin Winlöf

Head of Group Products and Advice. M.Sc. in Business Administration and Economics. Employed since 2019. Born 1966.

Lars-Erik Danielsson

Chief Credit Officer. Studies in business and economics. Employed since 1990. Born 1962.