Annual General Meeting 2021


The 2021 Annual General Meeting of Swedbank AB was held on Thursday 25 March 2021.

Specific measures due to the Corona virus (Covid-19)

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the Board of Directors has decided that the AGM should be executed without physical presence of shareholders, proxies or external participants and that voting may only be done by post prior to the AGM.

Information about postal voting

The Board of Directors of Swedbank has decided that shareholders should be able to exercise their voting rights by post. 

Form for postal voting can be found here: Form for postal voting (PDF) and below under “Information about the AGM 2021”. It is also possible to submit postal votes digitally following this link: Vote digitally 

Further information about postal voting is found in the convening notice to the AGM and in the form for postal voting.

Information about the AGM 2021

Jen Henriksson in a meeting
Jen Henriksson in a meeting
Head of Board of Directors Göran Persson
Göran Persson