Annual General Meeting 2020 


The 2020 Annual General Meeting of Swedbank AB took place at Stockholm City Conference Centre, Norra Latin, Drottninggatan 71b, Stockholm, on Thursday 28 May 2020.

Specific measures due to the Corona virus (Covid-19)

Swedbank safeguards the health of its shareholders and strives to contribute in the work of limiting the spread of the new corona virus in the best possible way. Thus, the bank will comply with current restrictions and recommendations from the authorities.

Due to the above, the bank has decided to take, among other things, the following precautions in connection with the AGM.

  • Postal voting is offered by virtue of the temporary law for general meetings.
  • Refreshments will not be served, and there will be no organized meeting with the bank’s management prior to the AGM.
  • The Chairman's and CEO's statements regarding the bank's operations will be kept very brief at the AGM. Instead, extensive statements will be published on the Bank's website on the day for the AGM.
  • The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM is broadcasted over web link.
  • The number of present Board members, members of Group Management and other employees will be severely limited, and their participation may be limited to video link or telephone.
  • No external guests will be invited to the AGM.

Shareholders are urged to comply with the authorities' recommendations and to take responsibility for preventing the spread of the virus, as well as taking advantage of the opportunity to use postal voting or to participate via a representative instead of attending in person. Shareholders who belong to a risk group should not attend the AGM. If the number of shareholders that intends to attend the AGM in person would exceed what is prescribed or recommended by the relevant authorities or if the Board of Directors otherwise considers that the AGM cannot be conducted in a sufficiently safe manner, the AGM may be cancelled at very short notice.

Information about postal voting

The Board of Directors of Swedbank has decided that shareholders should be able to exercise their voting rights by post. The Board of Directors encourages shareholders to use this opportunity to minimize the number of participants physically attending the AGM to reduce the risk of spreading the corona virus.

Form for postal voting can be found here: Form postal voting (PDF) and below under “Information about the AGM 2020”. It is also possible to submit postal votes digitally following this link: Vote digitally

Further information about postal voting is found in the convening notice to the AGM and in the form for postal voting.

Information about the AGM 2020

Press releases

Jen Henriksson in a meeting
Jen Henriksson in a meeting
Head of Board of Directors Göran Persson
Göran Persson
Other questions from shareholders
Question 1 (PDF)
Question 2 (PDF)